Monday, June 3, 2013

The Armstrong Family

So, you know when you have a new hobby? Maybe it was when you were seven and you were really into braiding hair with those bead kits they sell at Wal-Mart, and you invited all of your friends over to practice on them. Maybe it was when you finally got out of your parents' house, and you took up cooking, so you were always making things for people to try, no matter how it tasted. Well, Catherine got her camera before I got mine, so I let her practice her photography skills on me... and then a few months later, I got my camera (birthday present), and suddenly we needed a subject other than me to take pictures of. The Armstrong's (very great friends of ours) have been a key to our development as photographers, so when we were asked to take pictures of the entire Armstrong family, we were reminded of where we started, how far we've come, and how much they've helped us develop our skills.

Seeing several generations of the same family together smiling and laughing makes one of those timeless moments. With so many people all together, something may go wrong (however minor), the baby might get fussy, and in Texas it'll more than likely be too stinkin' hot to think about looking pretty for the camera. Still, when you're surrounded by the people you love, regardless of the humidity, and the kid crying because he's in the corner, there will always be smiles, laughter, and the occasional story or inside joke. That's what we remember when we think of our families, and that's what 88 Buttons was privileged to capture with the Armstrong's.

To the Armstrong's, we thank you so much for allowing us this pleasure. You are a beautiful family.

Yes, his nose was really in the corner. 

Singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to Owen.

We asked for a smile. This is what we got. 

Thanks again Armstrongs for supporting us and being our guinea pigs. We love you all!

Until Next Time,

Catherine and Ayrian